Life is hard... Life is short... Life is painful... Life is rich... Life is... Precious... These are the words from Sapphire's novel and movie Precious. Sapphire first wrote Push in 1996, a true story based on her life. This movie is heart breaking but inspirational. The acting is beyond believable, all the actors were truly able to portray the characters from Push.
This movie is about an obese 16-year-old girl named Precious (Gabourey Sidibe) who is pregnant with her second child, from her father. Precious lives everyday in agony, whether its her father raping her or her mother abusing her. Her mother Mary (Mo'Nique) despises Precious because her husband would rather have sex with her than his own wife. Every day Mary tells her daughter that she is fat and ugly, that she is worthless and wont ever be loved. Every time Precious is being abused, she imagines that she is a beautiful movie star, and everyone loves her. Precious never fights back until one night when she has had enough.
Precious never wanted her father to rape her and never wanted to hurt her mother, it was something she has lived with since she was 10-years-old. After Precious fights back with her mother she is kicked out of her house. She is also kicked out of school because she is pregnant. Precious moves into a half-way house where she learns to read and write. Her life begins to change.
Mo'Nique has always been known as a comedian, to see her playing a role of an abusive mother is very shocking, but extraordinary. She really becomes the character that shes trying to portray. Mo'Nique won her first Oscar for Supporting Actress. People Magazine says, "Even though she seemingly had a lock on the Supporting Actress Oscar, Mo'Nique triggered a welcome jolt that reverberated through Hollywood's Kodak Theatre when her name was announced. She first thanked the Academy 'for showing that it can be about the performance and not the politics.'"
This movie was undeniably amazing and if you haven't seen it... you really should.
Check out the trailer below...
Its a magnificent movie. This is a kind of movie people will remember and love forever. I am deeply moved by it.