Saturday, March 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince based on the series, written by J. K. Rowling, was of course just like any other Harry Potter movie, very good. This movie resembled action, jealousy, darkness and emotion in just two and a half hours. Its series have come far in telling the life of the young wizard Harry Potter, who is played by Daniel Radcliffe.

The movie starts off with the wizard Harry Potter beginning his 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. He comes across a book titled “This is the Book of the Half Blood Prince”. He uses the book that is filled with many different spells, to succeed further in his class assignments. Meanwhile Draco Malfoy (played by Tom Felton) is ordered by Lord Voldemort (played by Ralph Fiennes) to kill Albus Dumbledore (played by Michael Gambon). Albus Dumbledore takes the job of trying to get Harry Potter ready for his final battle with Lord Voldemort.

Harry potter and the half blood prince bring you into action and keeps you up in your seat. Every second you wonder what will happen next. The movie begins as a thriller and ends in an emotional conflict. This movie is based mostly off of romance verses adventure. In this movie every character is falling in love with another, even the old Dumbledore asks Harry about his love life.

Personally I found this movie to be more of a transformation movie, to bring us to the final book. I believe the other Harry Potter movies were a lot better than this movie because they related more to the book. There was a lot more that happened in the J.K Rowling story of the Half-Blood Prince that this movie did not offer. The Washington Post says, "Alas, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," though not without its excellent moments, doesn't tell the two stories that, at heart, the book tells. It doesn't present a compelling portrait of the birth, life and descent into inhumanity of the villain who has haunted this series from its opening scenes: Voldemort. And it doesn't make the budding romance between Harry and Ginny feel inevitable and true." I have to 100% percent agree with the Washington Post and their critics of this movie.

Check out the trailer below:

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